Thursday, March 18, 2010

17th March 2010

A passing ship in the dead of night. All you see are the lights, the lights that show that there is indeed life in this magnificent creation. Yet you can not see what lies within.. you can not see the fire. The people running around dancing to loud, lively music. The musicians playing their hearts out for the entertainment of others. The delicious food set out to satisfy the cravings of the passengers. The lust in the eyes of the men as they take in the soft bulges sticking out the dresses of each woman swirling past. The romance glittering in the gazes of young women dancing with the bachelors of their choice. The lonely old captain, directing the ship over dark troubled waters, yearning for some company and conversation to take his mind out to far away places. Anything else than the cold, dark silence as he sips his tea and gradually directs the mighty ship. Cleaning ladies and men sodden down with exhaustion, missing out on the merry making taking place; faced with the mission of turning the grawly mess of the rooms into spotless havens. The sweaty cooks in the kitchen, slaving away to hot steam and fire, as delicious odours waft out the room. The freezing skipper, standing alone, keeping a look out for danger. Yet, all you can see are the lights. The flaring yellow orbs shining on the poignant shadows of the ocean.

Watch as the lights slowly fade, and eventually disappear completely. You will never know what went on inside it, not unless you pull it over and step inside.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Give over

Look up into the skies
And you'll see the sun shining
Forget your pessimism
Let go your worries

Just look up
Into the light
Let it light the flame
Burning inside

Close your eyes
Watch as the sunlight
Dances across your eyelids
Like a warm kaleidoscope

Fall back
Onto the velvety green
Among the colors
With perfumes so sweet

Listen as the melody
Fills your ears
Penetrating your mind
With endless tunes

Feel your mouth
Turn up into a smile
Your muscles relax
And your heart swell with warmth

Give over to your senses
And let the light in
Wave goodbye those forlorn shadows
Say farewell to bad thoughts

Carry yourself away
Like a weightless feather in slight breeze
And get lost in time

Thursday, March 4, 2010

4th March 2010

Grief is good.. it truly makes one cherish and celebrate life and the fact we are all still alive.
What can I say about life...we certainly take it for granted. I think it's time we all sit back for a while.. consider everything it has to offer us.. consider everything we have in our lives. about what we are actually doing with our lives, and what we are doing to this poor unfortunate world of ours. How we are tormenting it as each day passes... It's time to look around us. It's time to start treating our home, and each other... with the respect they deserve.

We all lost a great, great man Tuesday night. One of those rare men, who are truly beautiful inside and out. He didn't deserve to lose his life, especially him...but then nobody deserves to die that way. He would always tell us how cruel and mean humans really are... He was right. Look at what we have done.. to a fellow, innocent brother. All for the measly price of a stupid electronic gadget. I bet he's sitting up there right now shaking his head. Looking down at us all and saying 'I told you so'. Because he did, and it's about time we listen.
Mr Mugambi, you were a phenomenal person and a valuable asset to our school. Thank you for believing in us all. Thank you for bringing sunshine into our lives and classes each and every day. For brightening our days, in rain or sunshine. You will be greatly missed, we will never forget you. At least you are in a better place now, where the problems of this world of ours cannot harm you any longer. May you rest in peace. We love you, your spirit will live on forever. Godspeed.

I guess this is just turning out to be one of those weeks... losing a loved one, and lots of crying and emotion was certainly not on anybody's agenda.

On a happier not, at least the weekend was great. A great game of rugby was played by the Arusha rhinos, tough luck Dar Leopards, hopefully one day you will come up here and beat us for once! It's quite funny how it works though, whenever the Leopards come up to play us here, we win. However, whenever we go down to Dar to play against them, we always lose! A strange karma, or is it just foul play? Or the air? Does the air somehow affect an opposing teams performance? Very, very weird. Saw a friend of mine from Dar also, was on the losing team. Wasn't too pleased about that, he was so sure that this time they would win! Hah, as if. We're not a bad team us Rhinos, and we are victorious on our own turf. Let that be a warning! Ole ole ole ole... Rugby games are quite amusing to watch.

Hmm.. art coursework starting to take off, hopefully I'll have it all finished in time. Whew. Hard work! At least my English work is excelling... surprisingly looking forward to writing a children 's book, got to experiment if you want to be great. Maybe even a future journalist in the making? Inez Hayes, top journalist from the Times.... Nope. Doesn't sound bad.. not bad at all! I guess those top magazines out there better watch out. Inez is on the loose. Woohoo... here to bring a new sense of 'Inez-ness' to journalism... It's the future I tell you! That's if I don't change my mind halfway through and decide to go on a cooking course... but, Chef Inez certainly has a ring to it... Aaah, the perils of settling on a career.. a headache, surely someone can concur! What to do, what to do... still got a year left to decide, thankfully.

I shall say goodnight, before I really excel in dazzling your minds; and shall give one, last farewell, to an amazing mentor, friend, and biology teacher.

Mr Mugambi - 3rd March 2010

'If it's gonna be a rainy day, there's nothing we can do to make it change. We can pray for sunny weather, but that won't stop the rain. Everyone wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow, without a little rain.
So please don't stop the rain'.

Nezzy xxx