Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Late night rambling

Listening to John Mayer right now and imagining a scene
Where he would be singing to me
While a hoard of girls would look upon me with utmost jealousy
'Cause I would be the one those beautiful words
Are directed at.

Ah, if only such fantasies were real
But then, a girl can dream can't she?
Talking about dreaming....
Wouldn't it be fair,
Just to let one of our favourite dreams come true?
Just one.
That's all I ask really...
For one dream, just one.. could ensure a place of utter contentment
For a while, at least.

If not a dream,
A wish!
All this endless gentle eyelash blowing..,
Wishing upon shooting stars
and blowing out birthday candles
Maybe it would all be worth it
If one actually came true!

Which brings me to magic
It really would be a phantasmagorical life
Of that filled with magic.

So I guess the answer is to marry a magician.
Someone to truly bring the magic out of life
But then, magic can be brought about in many ways..

In casual conversation with my dear mother the other day
I told her that
In order for me to marry someone
That person would have to be:

A) A chef
B) A musician
C) A chocolatier
D) A writer (or have a good knowledge and understanding of literature and one who appreciates books)
E) A magician
F) A comedian
G) A bad guy is never a bad thing either... but let's stick to the basics

They must ride a motorbike, for since I can't...and do not own one of these beautiful machines, if my future husband has one.. Presto!
I can take him on rides, now there's a thought for ya

As we all know
Life has many twists and turns
You never know what it might present you
And teenage girls tend to build many castles in the sky
And dream big
with overactive imaginations
But that's never a bad thing...
A person with a good imagination can go far in life
Look at Walt Disney..

Now, before I carry on my late night
Randomnosity... I shall remove myself from your presence
And go back to reading Pride and Prejudice...
One of my favourite books
...or perhaps I shall watch some TV first

Anyhoo.. Cheerio
Nezzy xx

Friday, May 14, 2010

Teenage Blues

Here I sit, the afternoon after writing my first Biology exam.. one of three exams that I'm absolutely scared shitless of... Nearly thought I was gonna end up hyperventilating so bad that they would have to drag me off on a stretcher... So, after spending many never-ending hours pouring over notes and diagrams about how life works...
(was too scared to revise at first because, as embarrassing as it is.. I was scared that I might revise wrong and end up forgetting everything when sitting in the exam room)
...the exam itself was not as bad as I thought it was... was actually beginning
to feel a bout of confidence coming out as I answered each question...
However, coming out that dreaded room and conversing with my fellow biologists.. I think I may just have flunked that paper. Oh well, as much as it hurts..
I guess I can always take the exam in October. Blah.
I used to be the smart one... But I guess all things change! Now I'm the dummy among a bunch
of smart people...oh joy!

Think I've sneezed too many times... bumped into too many things.. gotten hit on the head with too many balls...
My brain cells seem to have decided to take revenge on me
For abusing them on silly things
I'm sorry dear brain cells
Please have meiosis and reproduce more
Brain cells so I can be smart

Well... I guess the world's gonna end in two years...
So! Time to stop stressing about minuscule things such as
Silly people, loneliness and self appearance
...and exams... but they have some importance..
I guess...

At least I reckon I got a pretty good mark in my English! If I didn't
I think I'll just cry...

So.. lemme end this on a better note

When I get older... I will be stronger...
They'll call me freedom
Just like a waving flag

That's if I even get that much older...

Since the world's gonna end and all...


Guess I'd better start soon!!