Friday, June 25, 2010

Mirror talk

Bored... so so so bored...
Let me post a poem I came up with the other day
In the last remaining hours before shutting my eyes
to sleep. I was in one of my rather darker moods...
Although I still like it a great deal, as I feel it explains
a part of me no one else can see.

This crawling hatred
Inside me blooms

Every Spring of gloom befalls.

The twin I turn to
stares aghast,

Distorted visage
and body wrath.

Tear away
this flesh forbid,

It doth not end
at gates of sin.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thank you

Thanks. Thanks or making my life just that much less boring. Less boring is surely better than boring now, isn't it? Yeah.. girls absolutely love to hear about how much of an easy slut they are, so desperate and pathetic that they would have sex with a drunk in the back of a van. Thanks for adding the drunk part.. it truly emphasises the desperation, non? The best I think, is saying all this to the one person I truly dislike, all in the act of getting into her pants. This indeed deserves a big round of applause, so clap clap for you Mr hot shot, let's not hope for a standing ovation.. but oh wait, there is more.
Thanks for talking to me on facebook and skype, sending the clear message that we are indeed friends. You came to my town, thanks for calling me up and letting me know you're here.. for offering to meet up and all that jazz that usually follows. I figured it out though.. you did it to woe me, so that whenever you come up here, I would be a quick and easy piece of ass you could get as you please... yeah that sounds about right, and then drop me like a piece of hot toast if you spot someone better.
Now, I'm sure I've heard this come from your lips... When you're friends with someone, you would give your all to spend time with them, and do all that you can for them. Yeah.. thanks for ignoring the messages I sent and the calls I gave, I see that you were having just so much a better time with others that you decided you couldn't be bothered having me there. Yeah.. I guess I need to learn to stop caring so much for my friends.. doing my utmost to make them feel awesome and indeed giving my all to spend time with them. Thanks for opening my eyes to see that doing all this is such a waste of time. I mean.. what's the point in caring so for someone, when it's pretty obvious they couldn't give a rat's ass whether you're alive.. or if you're so close to tears at being treated with so much disrespect; being treated like no one special when you see them at the fair.
Yes. Thanks for everything... when I first met you, you really weren't that spectacular in the looks department. Yet you possessed a great personality that threw me off my feet and think that 'hey, now here is a cool guy'. You made me feel great, but right now, and I say this with all the dignity I can muster. I probably feel the shittiest I ever have for a long time. So thanks for that too..
You know, I would have thought that I've been bullshitted enough to last me the rest of my teenage hood, I really don't feel like any more.
So, Thanks. Really.. who would have known I would be given such an ideal opportunity not to eat and to finally lose some weight.
Go ahead and score some hot chicks, and drink some beer. For I know that you really don't give a sh**.. , and if you could read this you'd scarcely have read but five lines, and then decided that being ignorant would be a far better option as far as you're concerned; but you know, I have lose it sometime.
Being in such a state with tears at hand, at having been a friend, forget anything to do with romance. I have decided I am going to turn lesbian. Life would be just so much simpler. For one, I wouldn't have to deal with assholes such as yourself.
Have a good life